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Blue Triangle Computers Laptop and PC Repairs in Brighton

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Update:

For the protecton of our customers and staff we can offer drop off and collection from the safety of our porch, all work will be carried out using gloves, we will also be using our own keyboards and mice and power cables for desktop PC’s. Laptop keyboards and power supplies will be wiped down using an alcohol solution. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact us via email or phone.  

Laptop and PC Repairs:

Looking for reliable laptop or pc repair service, look no further, contact us
today with any queries or issues you may have.

Microsoft announces the end of Windows 7 life cycle:

Tuesday January 14th 2020 Windows 7 comes to an end, Microsoft will be no longer supporting the operating system.

For Corporate or Business customers who rely on Windows 7 for certain software or server requirements, will still be able to receive extended support for a fee. The extended support period will be available up to January 2023 and will be sold on per device, the price will increase each year. The support will include Security updates so the devices can continue to be used safely and securely.

If you are a Windows 7 user, upgrading your Operating System is a must in order to stay secure as well as functional. Windows 10 would be the easiest and most recommended operating system. Windows 10 is the successor of Windows 7 and can be easily upgraded straight from 7 to 10 without losing any programs or data. For the majority of users, Windows 10 will have a familiar feel as it shares both similar design and functionality with Windows 7.

If you’re wanting to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 before the plug is pulled on January 14 2020, get in contact with Blue Triangle Computers to upgrade your system(s) safely and securely.

If you require more information please get in contact via email or by ringing 07812 568845, where we will be happy to advice you further.